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Tandem Flyboarding in Putrajaya

8 bookings pending approval

Jetpacking in Putrajaya

4 bookings pending approval

flyboarding in Putrajaya

4 bookings pending approval

Tandem Flyboarding in Putrajaya

Guest: John Doe

Price: RM 350

Do you have a height limit for the kids?

E-mail: johndoe@email.com
H/P: +6012 345 6789
Total Guests: 2

Guest: Jane Doe

Price: RM 350

E-mail: johndoe@email.com
H/P: +6012 345 6789
Total Guests: 2

Guest: James Doe

Price: RM 350

Do you have a height limit for the kids?

E-mail: james@email.com
H/P: +6012 345 6789
Total Guests: 2

Guest: Amanda Doe

Price: RM 350

Is there parking there?

E-mail: amanda@email.com
H/P: +6012 345 6789
Total Guests: 2